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UDK 616.36-002-084:616.61-78  ISSN 0350-2899, 28(2003) 1 p.5-8

Original paper

Frequency of anti-HCV antibodies in haemodialysis patients

Biljana Paraskijević (1), Vesna Vasić-Jovanović (2)
(1) Služba za transfuziju krvi, Zdravstveni Centar Negotin
(2) Centar za hemodijalizu, Zdravstveni Centar Negotin

Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) was identified in 1989 as an infectuous agent that causes post-transfusion non A/non B hepatitis in up to 70-90% of cases. Those patients who are on chronic haemodialysis programme are at great risk of getting HCV infections. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of anti-HCV antibodies, as markers of HCV infection. Materials and methods: The inquiry included patients with chronic renal insufficiencies that were under haemodialysis in Negotin Haemodialysis Center from December 1997 until June 2002. During the six-month period, we were using the enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) with reagents by different manufacturers and the testing took place at Blood Transfusion Service. The reagents used were: Organon, Pasteur, Biokit, Ortho. All of the preliminary re-active serum samples were tested again by the same method in order to prove our results. All those samples that were active again were labeled as seropositive. No confirmation test is used to prove re-activity. Results: At the beginning of the testing, 26% seropositive patients were detected. Having provided all kinds of prevention, the last results showed the decrease in number of seropositive pacients up to 6% in comparison to the entire number of haemodialysis patients. Conclusion: Our testing results of haemodialysis patients confirm that all prevention methods that caused the decrease in sero-positivity are conducted. In this way Blood Transfusion and Haemodialysis Service are actively included in preventive work to restrict the spreading of HCV infection.
Key words: Haemodialysis, Hepatitis C

  Correspodence to:
Dr Biljana Paraskijević
Služba za transfuziju krvi
Zdravstveni Centar Negotin, Negotin
e-mail: binpa@ptt.yu
Received: 19.12.2002
Accepted: 10.01.2003
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