Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar
Year 2004     Volumen 29     Number 1
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UDK 618.146-006.6-089:618.2  ISSN 0350-2899, 29(2004) 1 p.35-37

Case Report

The Delivery after Surgical Treatment of Cervix Carcinoma in Zajecar - Four Cases Report

Vera Najdanović-Mandić, Ljubica Milošević, Dragoslav Kalinović
Ginekološko-akušerska služba, Zdravstveni centar Zaječar

Objective of the work is to show that if cervix uteri carcinoma is detected in the preinvasive stadium it is 100% curable with the saving of reproductive ability of women. Four deliveries after the conizatio prove that. Method is retrospective analysis of protocols for gynaecological systematic checks, operations and deliveries from 1995 –2002. The results are shown in 3 tables. In the first table there is increased number of conizatio because of pathological changes on uterus cervix which are detected in good organized systematic checks where lots of women have been examined from 1995. In the second and third table there are four delivered women who had conizatio because of the preinvasive stadium of cervix carcinoma and cerclage applied during the pregnancy. Conclusion: Since 1995 we have increased the number of conizatio with the women in the generative period because of better cervical cancer screening. It suggests more deliveries after conizatio. Pregnancy and delivery are not contraindicated because of carcinoma uterus cervix if it is detected in the preinvasive stadium and it’s curable in 100%. In our material the number of delivered women after conizatio is small (4) but it tends to be increased.
Key words: cervical cancer screening, preinvasive stadium, conizatio, delivery

  Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku  

Corresponding Address:
Vera Najdanović-Mandić
7 septembar 80, 19000 Zaječar

Paper received: 07.11.2003.
Paper accepted: 19.02.2004.
Published online: 14.05.2004.

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