of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar
Year 2004 Volumen 29 Number
2 |
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UDK 616-006.5:612.335 |
ISSN 0350-2899, 29(2004) 2
P.113-114 |
Case reportBrunneroma (Adenoma of the Brunner's Gland) - A Case
Bhat M.L (1), Chowdhary ND (1), Reshi Ruby (1), Naqshbandi Ashaq
Hussain (1), Rather Assar Ahmad (1), Shiekh Bilal(1), Khan Suraya1(1),
Kadri SM (1),
Shylashree Chikkamuniyappa (2), Vladica Tasic (3)
(1) Government Medical College, Srinagar, Kashmir, India
(2) University Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, USA
(3) Zdravstveni centar, Vladičin Han, Serbia |
Brunner gland adenoma is a relatively rare entity. A case report of a 40
year old male with duodenal Brunneroma, who was managed successfully by
surgical intervention.
Key words: Brunner gland adenoma, surgical interventionNapomena:
sažetak na srpskom jeziku
Note: summary in Serbian |
Benign tumours of the small intestine are rare. Usually such tumours
are being identified on autopsies and the percentage is 0.161. These
tumours form 23% of all benign tumours of gastrointestinal tract2. The
most common benign tumours of small intestine are adenoma and 25% of
these occur in duodenum. Among the benign tumours of duodenum 30-50%
arise from Brunner’s glands and are called Brunner gland adenoma. The
clinical presentation of such tumours is usually bleeding within the
small intestine, partial or complete obstruction giving rise to
symptoms. Many such patients may be asymptomatic, where the adenoma size
is very small. |
A 40 year old male presented with a history of malena and was
admitted in the Department of Surgery SMHS Hospital, Srinagar, Kashmir
attached to Government Medical College, Srinagar, Kashmir, India. for
treatment. At the first instance the patient was managed conservatively
and was discharged from the hospital. The patient was re admitted in the
Department of Surgery with second bout of malena, patient was once again
managed conservatively and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was
performed which revealed a polypoid mass in the duodenum at the junction
of first and second part. Surgical intervention was carried out and
polypoid mass from the duodenum was removed successfully.
GROSS EXAMINATION.The Department of Pathology, Government Medical
College, Srinagar, Kashmir received greyish white polypoid soft tissue
with stalk attached to it, measuring 4x2.5x2 cms, the stalk measured 1
cms long.
Cut section, revealed greyish white lobulated mass, it was sectioned and
pieces were passed.
MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Multiple sections studied showed a nodular
proliferation of Brunner’s glands accompanied by ducts and stromal
elements. The Brunner’s glands were histologically normal. |
DISCUSSION The presence of duodenal glands in duodenum was first
reported by Wepfer3 in 1679. Later Brunn (Brunner)4 described these
glands in detail5.
Embrylogically the gland develops during 6th month when the cells at the
base of crypts of lieberkuhn extend into the sub mucosa and on maturity
the glands acquire a compound tubular form arranged in lobules, which
are 0.5 to 1 mm in diameter. They are usually numerous in first portion
of duodenum and distally less in number. Ever since adenoma of Brunner
gland was reported in 1876 by Salvioli6, the terminology given has been
in dispute as it lacks features of true neoplasm. However other such
terms of adenomatous or hamartomatous polyp were suggested. Many
authors7,8,9 considered the lesion to be the hamartoma for the tumour is
neither encapsulated nor clearly demarcated from anatomic Brunner’s
gland, but for the fact it comprises of lobulations of ductular and
acinar elements. Infrequently it may have smooth muscles and muscular
The commonest location of adenoma of Brunner gland is posterior wall of
duodenum near the junction of first and second portion and these tumours
are detected in the 4th to 6th decade of life. However the age range
reported has been from 11 days to 80 years. In the present case the
patient was a 40 year old male who presented with history of malena
twice and the tumour mass was located in the posterior wall of duodenum
at the junction of first and second part and is similar to as reported
by authors. The unusual presentation of the adenoma of Brunner gland has
been reported by Verma D et al.10 as a circumferential involvement of
the duodenum as the rarest presentation. |
- Bockus HL. Gastroenterology, second edition; vol 2 page 180
.Philadelphia, 1964.
WB Saunders Co
- Raiford T S . Tumours of the small intestine. Arch Surg
- Wagholikar GD, Dhingra S, Krishnan N, Kapoor VK. Large Brunneroma
presenting with bleeding. Indian Journal of
- Wepfer, Kaplan EL, Dyson WL, Fitts WT Jr. Hyperplasia of Brunner’s
gland of duodenum. Surg Gynae Obstet. 1968;126:371-375
- Brunn(Brunner) cited by Kaplan et al. Hyperplasia of Brunner’s
glands of duodenum. Surgical Gynae Obst 1968;126:371-375
- Salvioli cited by Kaplan EL. Hyperplasia of Brunner’s glands of
duodenum. Surgical Gynae Obst 1968;126:371-375
- Beeman EA. Hamartoma of the duodenum: a tumour composed of
Brunner’s gland and fat. Gastroenterology 1965;48:256-260
- Goldman RL. Hamartomatous polyp of Brunner’s glands.
Gastroenterology 1963;44:57-62
- Verma D, Prakash K, Augustine P, Mahadevan P, Ramesh H. Brunner’s
gland adenoma with circumferential duodenal involvement. Indian
Journal Gastroenterology 2001;20(6):243-244
Corresponding Address:
Prim.Dr Sci med Vladica Tasic, patolog
Dom Zdravlja, Laboratorija, 17510 Vladicin Han
e-mail: education@ptt.yu |
Paper received: 22. 02. 2004
Paper accepted: 14. 07. 2004
Published online: 05. 08. 2004 |
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