Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2004     Volumen 29     Number 4
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UDK: 616.1:613.81
ISSN 0350-2899, 29(2004) 4 p.247-249

Alcohol Intake and Cardiovascular Disorders - Hypertension and Stroke in Focus

Dušan Bastać
The Private Internist Ordination "BASTAĆ" Zaječar


Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku
Note: full text in Serbian
  Corresponding Address:
Dušan Bastać
Privatna internistička ordinacija "Dr Bastać"
Naselje Kraljevica, Lamela 1, 19000 Zaječar
e-mail: bastad@ptt.yu

Paper received: 1.4.2004
Paper accepted: 9.11.2004
Published online: 20.1.2005
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