Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar
Year 2005     Volumen 30     Number 2
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UDK: 616.12-07 ISSN 0350-2899, 30(2005) 2 p.72-74

Markers of inflammation in acute coronary syndrome

Suzana Milutinović
Porodični dispanzer Varnava, Niš



  Summary: Biochemical cardiac markers play a pivotal role in the diagnosis and management of patients with acute coronary syndrome. Three classes of indicators are in use: markers of myocardial necrosis, markers of inflammation and markers of cardiac function. Markers of myocardial damage, troponins, are incorporated in new international guidelines for patients with acute coronary syndrome and redefinition of myocardial infarction. Markers of cardiac function, cardiac natriuretic peptides, are using in the diagnosis and clinical assessment of heart failure. Markers of inflammation in acute coronary syndrome may help to improve risk stratification and identify patient groups who might benefit from particular treatment strategies. Some of them are very well known indicators of inflammation: C-reactive protein, white blood cell count, sedimentation rate, fibrinogen, and some are under investigation.
Key words: markers of inflammation, markers of necrosis, markers of cardiac function, acute coronary syndrome

Note: full text in Serbian
Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku

  Corresponding Address:
Suzana Milutinović
Porodični dispanzer Varnava, Ćirila i Metodija br. 25, 18000 Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
Tel: +381 18/ 520-360, 520-705, 520-680
e-mail: smilutinovic@ptt.yu
  Paper received: 07. 04. 2003.
Paper accepted: 06. 07. 2005.
Published online: 20. 08. 2005.
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