Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar
Year 2005     Volumen 30     Number 2
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UDK: 616.988:578.828]:615.381; 616.155-07 ISSN 0350-2899, 30(2005) 2 p.68-71
Original paper

Volunteer's blood testing on AIDS

Ivanka Milošević Manojlović, Dragana Ćirić, Dragan Glišić
Zdravstveni centar Zaječar, Služba za transfuziju krvi



  Summary: In order to prepare safe blood for transfusion, in Serbia blood is tested for disease agents that could be transmitted by blood transfusion. These are AIDS virus, hepatitis B and C viruses, Treponema Pallidum. We have shown the results of a several-year-long testing of blood for AIDS virus. 52,295 units of volunteered blood were tested from 1997 to 2004. The EIA tests of the first, second and third generation of different manufacturers were used. 355 (0,68%) blood units were preliminary virus-positive, with positive results for the virus confirmed in 2 cases (0,0003%), while other blood units did not react. All preliminary positive blood units were tested several times using EIA tests of different manufacturers, and for the units that reacted, the Western Blot test was used for confirmation. Only undoubtedly negative blood units were later on used in transfusion and treatment of patients, while all preliminary positive blood units were destroyed. The prevention of all the diseases that can be transmitted by blood transfusion, including AIDS, starts with a good choice of a donor and good laboratory practices with the use of the most advanced tests for detection of disease agents.
Key words: blood testing, AIDS virus

Note: full text in Serbian
Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku

  Corresponding Address:
Ivanka Milošević Manojlović
Ivana Kovačića 7, 19000 Zaječar
  Paper received: 11. 03. 2005.
Paper accepted: 02. 07. 2005.
Published online: 20. 08. 2005.
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