Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2006     Volumen 31     No 4
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UDK:616-022.1-084(497.11) ISSN 0350-2899 31 (2006) 4 p. 152-155
Original paper

Control of the bacteriological contamination of hospital environment in Health Care Centre of Negotin in 2005

Vojislava Stuparević, Srđan Bogicić, Jevrosima Puslojić, Biljana Todorović Kazimirović
Zdravstveni centar Negotin



During our work, we analysed the results of control of bacteriological contamination of hospital environment. The objective was detection of potential dangers of hospital infections, improvement of general sanitary and hygienic conditions and removal of known risk factors for creation of hospital infections. Bacteriological contamination was controlled 80 times in risky wards and places, and 960 samples were taken from work surfaces, walls, floors, dishes, equipment, instruments and from the staff (esophagus, nose, hands, clothes, shoes). Of the total number of samples taken, 14 (1.46%) were positive. Gram-negative collie form bacteria (E. Colli 6, Enterobacter 3, Citrobacter 2) were isolated on dishes, equipment, floors, walls, toilet seat and on staff’s hands and Staphylococcus Aurous (3) on the equipment and in the nose of an employee. 202 samples of sterility were taken and all were negative. Air contamination was controlled eight times and there were no positive results. The highest contamination was noted in the Paediatric Ward (7.41%) and in the Neurology Ward (6.82%). The obtained results show that bacteriological contamination is various and present everywhere, in staff, as well as on equipment and in premises, so it is necessary to take all measures to prevent hospital infections and decrease them.
Key words: bacteriological contamination, hospital infections, collie form bacteria

: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku
Note: full text in Serbian


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  Corresponding Address:
Vojislava Stuparević
Zdravstveni centar Negotin

Paper received: 07.08.2006.
Paper accepted: 01.11.2006.
Published online: 31.01.2007.
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