Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2007     Volumen 32     Number 1
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UDK: 616.441-006.5-053.2 ISSN 0350-2899, 32(2007) 1p. 57-60
Case report

Adenoma pleomorphe of parotid gland at child - Case report

Vesna Stojanović Kamberović (1), Goran Bjelogrlić (2), Goran Videnović (3), Zlatko Vujičić (2)
(1) Dom zdravlja "Zvezdara", Beograd, (2) Institut za ORL i MFH KCS Beograd, (3) Medicinski fakultet Priština, Klinka za MFH - Kosovska Mitrovica



Pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland, benign epithelial lesion, makes around 70% of all benign tumours of salivary glands and around 4% of all the tumours of the head and neck. It mainly occurs in the 5th decade of life, more often at females, and very rarely in the childhood age. Objective: depiction of a rare occurrence of pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland in the childhood age. Method: for the study of the patient, the data used was collected from anamnesis, ultrasound checkups of the parotid gland, intraoperative findings and PH verification of tumefaction. Case report: the patient of childhood age (12), male, came for a check up because of excrescence behind the left ear, which had appeared 4 months earlier, and which did not swell nor ache. He had been an outpatient in another institution and unsuccessfully treated with antibiotic. By clinical examination in January 2004, a retroauricular left tumefaction was found, of elastic-firm consistence, mobile, not sensitive to ache, with unchanged surface skin, and with 4x2 cm diameter. Other ENT findings were regular. The ECHO of the left parotid region, in January 2004, showed clearly limited hypoechogenic centrally sickle-like anechogenic tumour change, with diameter 1.55 x 1.9 cm, without infiltration of skin and local structures of the neck. In the Institute of Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Clinical Centre of Serbia, a superficial parotidectomy with conservation of nervus facialis was done, and encapsulated tumefaction of diameter 2x2cm was sent to PH (pleomorphic adenoma) in April 2004. 2.5 years after the surgery the patient is without subjective discomfort, of regular local status, without signs of relapse. Conclusion: Pleomorphic adenoma is a epithelial benign tumour (WHO-World Health Organization-1972), asymptomatic, of slowly increasing course, most often localised in the parotid gland (70%), of which in around 90% cases in the superficial lobe; subman-dibular (8%), sublingual (0.5%), small salivary glands (6,5%). It has high incidence of relapsing after the appearance of the first relapse, of malign alteration (2-10%), and extraordinarily rarely appears in the childhood age. The choice therapy was superficial parotidectomy, with conservation of the facial nerve and PH tumour verification.
Key words: pleomorphic adenoma, benign tumour, childhood age

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  Corresponding Address:
Vesna Stojanović Kamberović
Dom Zdravlja "Zvezdara"
Olge Jovanović br 11, 11000 Beograd, Serbia
tel (posao)- 011/ 3041 407; e-mail:

Paper received: 13.2.2007.
Paper accepted: 25.3.2007.
Published online: 8.5.2007.
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