Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2007     Volumen 32     Number 4
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UDK 616.927-036.22(497.11)"1914/1915"  ISSN 0350-2899, 32(2007) br.4 p.194-204
History of medicine and health culture

Since when Golgotha 1915 becomes medical epopea ("Special epidemiology of typhus fever" between 1909 and 1919 year)

Goran Čukić



Suffering and dying from infectious diseases in Crimean war meant using “hygienic, general measures” against several diseases, including typhus fever. A dangerous experience of 500,000 sick and 150,000 dead from typhus fever in Serbia in 1915, «a land of death», was the reason for the appearance of new introductory quality – depediculation, «a special measure against typhus fever». Among those who were “aware that typhus was transmitted by lice”, the one who deserved the fame of successful was the creator of the «Serbian disinfection barrel» – Dr Stammers. Golgotha that was caused by devastating results of typhus in Serbia was replaced by another - epos. That was the first serious attack on typhus by which it was “stopped in an unnatural way”; the start of a terminal episode of dealing with it. The weakness of medicine released doctors from responsibility. Since 1919, by publishing the work in which the success of depediculation was confirmed, doctors became obliged to apply this measure. The Nobel Prize was awarded to Nicolle in 1928. People went on to look for better tactical means for stable strategy.
Key words: louse-borne typhus, 1914/15, Nicolle, Stammers, Hunter, Strong, Reed, Kujačić, Antić, Subotić, Hirschfeld, special measure, Serbian disinfection barrel, depediculation, organisation projecting

: kompletan tekst na srpskom jeziku
Note: full text in Serbian
  Corresponding Address:
Goran Čukić
Dom zdravlja, 84300 Berane

Paper received: 07.08.2008
Paper accepted: 28.01.2008
Published online: 24.04.2008
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