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UDK 616.89-008.43-053.2 ; 364-787 |
ISSN 0350-2899, 36(2011) br.4 p.201-207 |
Original paper Categorization, birth characteristics and speech and language impairments in children with multiple disabilities (Kategorizacija, porođajne karakteristike i govorno jezički poremećaji djece sa kombinovanim smetnjama razvoja) Goran Savić Zavod za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju "Dr M. Zotović", Banja Luka, RS/BIH |
Download in a pdf format | Summary: The category of children with multiple disabilities of development is characterized by severe cognitive and speech and language impairments which affects the ability to interact with environment. The sample includes 81 children. THE AIM of the research is to examine speech and language disorders, and birth characteristics. RESULTS: The average age of the sample was 10.52. There was a greater prevalence of males. Speech and language difficulties had 84% of the sample. The length of gestation, birth weight and length were below the normal range. A half of the sample had complications of pregnancy and childbirth complications, and some had complications of both. A small part of the sample had the occurrence of intracranial hemorrhage, and the occurrence of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy had more than a half of the sample. CONCLUSIONS: There is a prevalence of males in the sample. The average age of the sample was 10.52. Most of the sample had a difficult speech and language impairments. The length of gestation, birth weight and length were below the normal range. Half of the sample mothers of children had complications of pregnancy, half had the complications of childbirth. A small number of the sample mothers had both complications. Key words: categorisation, speech and language impairments, multiple disabilities Napomena:
kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku |
Corresponding Address: Goran Savić Zavod za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju "Dr M. Zotović" Banja Luka, RS/BiH e-mail: sakogo@blic.net |
received: 28. 10. 2011 Paper accepted: 25. 11. 2011 Paper Internet issues: 20. 02. 2012 |
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