Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2014     Vol 39     No 3
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      UDK 613.88-057.874(497.11)"2014"

ISSN 035-2899, 39(2014) br.3 p.137-141

Original paper

Knowledge of the 8th grade pupils of elementary schools of Zaječar about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases in 2014
Znanje zaječarskih osmaka o kontracepciji i polno prenosivim bolestima 2014. godine

Vera Najdanović-Mandić, Ana Veljković
Dispanzer za žene, Zdravstveni centar Zaječar



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Risky sexual behaviour is connected, not only with unwanted pregnancy, but also with different kinds of infections as well with those that can cause cervical cancer and damage reproductive health. The aim of this work was to analyze the knowledge of the 8th grade pupils about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in 2014. Our method of work was the use individual anonymous questionnaire before the lessons about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases given by the doctors of the Dispensary for Women of the Medical Centre Zaječar. The questionnaire contained general questions (gender, parental education and place of living), questions about contraception (definition, methods and means of contraception), questions referring to STD, relevant sources of information and whether the pupils were willing to spread their knowledge on the topic, whether they were sexually active and whether they used some contraceptive. 350 pupils were interviewed - 160 (46%) girls and 190 (54%) boys of 5 city schools and 2 country schools (in Veliki Izvor and Zvezdan). There were 3 classes in each of the 5 city schools with 283 pupils (81%), of which 138 girls (49%) and 145 boys (5%). 67 pupils were interviewed in the two country schools of which 22 girls (33%) and 45 boys (67%). Results: The parents of city school pupils had higher education than the parents of country school pupils. To the question whether they knew what contraception was, 58% of the pupils answered positively. The girls gave a positive answer in 74% of the cases, while only 45% of the boys confirmed that they knew what contraception was. This self-confidence proved to be exaggerated, because 58% of questionnaires were left with no answer to the question what the purpose of contraception was, 115 pupils gave only one answer to this question, while 32 pupils gave two answers. It was interesting that a higher number of girls (42%) related contraception to protection against unwanted pregnancy, while the boys related it almost equally to protection against sexually transmitted diseases (46%) and unwanted pregnancies (41%). Unfortunately, 66% of the respondents, 77% boys and 53% girls, didn’t know any means of contraception. The most common answer to contraception means was a condom (most often mentioned by boys), and the pill (mostly stated by girls). Generally speaking, the pupils were not informed on contraception (67%). To the question on sexually transmitted diseases 71% of the respondents knew only for AIDS. 8% the pupils interviewed were sexually active, but only boys. Conclusion: Although they start being sexually active, pupils at the final grade of elementary school have very poor knowledge on contraception. AIDS is the only sexually transmitted disease that they know about. It is the responsibility of both the community and doctors to contribute to the education of young people in order to protect and improve their reproductive health.
Key words: contraception, sexually transmitted disease, reproductive health

Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku
Note: full text in Serbian
      Corresponding Address:
Vera Najdanović-Mandić,
Dispanzer za žene, Zdravstveni centar Zaječar, Rasadnička bb, 19000 Zaječar, Srbija;
Paper received: 7.4.2014
Paper accepted: 17.5.2014
Paper Internet issues: 26.9.2014
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Timočki medicinski glasnik, Zdravstveni centar Zaječar
Journal of Regional section of Serbian medical association in Zajecar
Rasadnička bb, 19000 Zaječar, Srbija

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