Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar
Year 2005     Volumen 30     Number 1
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UDK 614.2(497.11) ISSN 0350-2899, 30(2005) 1 p.23-28
Original paper

Hospital resources efficiency in Timok region

Miodrag Todorović, Sergije Kržanović
Zavod za zaštitu zdravlja "Timok" Zaječar



  Summary: Difficult social and economic conditions, which have had a bad impact on all levels of society for many years, menace the health system itself not only directly but also indirectly. Health services, which are often overloaded for no reason, contribute greatly to an increasing use of medical materials. Although they are exposed to such and similar criticism, they can become a place of the largest savings if rationally utilised. Improved organisation and better utilisation of the existing equipment can, to a large extent, help to this most expensive way of health care to cease to be a restrictive factor for service providers and, most importantly, for patients as beneficiaries of the entire health care system. This study is a result of evaluation of work efficiency in hospitals in Timok Region on the basis of medical statistical indicators regarding the functioning of hospitals and specialised departments in order to recognise the causes of inefficiency and to act accordingly, i.e. to carry out all measures for more efficient functioning.
Key words: efficiency, hospital, Timok Region

Note: full text in Serbian
Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku
  Corresponding Address:
Miodrag Todorović
ZZZZ "Timok", 19000 Zaječar
e-mail: za_timok@ptt.yu
  Paper received: 04.10.2004.
Paper accepted: 25.03.2005.
Published online: 30.04.2005.
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