Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2006     Volumen 31     Number 3
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UDK: 617.55-009.7-079.4; 616-083.98 ISBN 0350-2899, 31(2006) 3 p.102-115

Abdominal Pain - Deferential Diagnosis in Prehospital Conditions

Miodrag Jovanović, Miljan Jović, Aleksandar Jolić
Zdravstveni centar Zaječar, Služba hitne medicinske pomoći



Pain is a great friend to the patient because it forces him to go and see the doctor, indicating the place of a pathological process, contributing to early diagnosis, featuring timely decision for a specific treatment, which is all of invaluable importance in critical cases (perforated ulcer, acute pancreatitis, ileus, etc). Differential diagnosis of abdominal pain in a prehospital phase is very difficult, partly because of the fact that there are no specific diagnostic procedures and partly because of the impossibility for long observation in the Emergency Department. The aim of this work is to show the problems that ED staff have to deal with in prehospital units of the Emergency Department - identification of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of abdominal pain, since abdomen is often as a "closed book".
Doctors working in ED are always on an unsafe side when treating patients with abdominal pain – on the one hand, there is a patient with abdominal pain begging for help, but on the other hand, which is usually prevailing, we have poor criteria for clear diagnosis, which in a large number of cases forces us to just transport the patient to the hospital.
Key words: abdominal pain, differential diagnosis

: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku
Note: full text in Serbian
  Corresponding Address:
Miodrag Jovanović
Omladinska 61, 19000 Zaječar

Paper received: 22.09.2006.
Paper accepted: 05.10.2006.
Published online: 26.10.2006
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