Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2006     Volumen 31     No 4
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UDK: 314:618.5; 314.13-053.31 ISSN 0350-2899 31 (2006) 4 p. 159-164
Original paper

Early neonatal morbidity in breech presentation

Olivera Laban (1), S. Obradović (2), G. Kostić (2), B. Vuletić (2), J. Đinđić-Andrić (3)
(1) Ginekološko-akušerska klinika KC Kragujevac, (2) Pedijatrijska klinika KC Kragujevac,
(3) Razvojno savetovalište Doma zdravlja u Kragujevcu



The incidence of breech presentation delivery is 3-4%. Increased perinatal morbidity is influenced by perinatal hypoxia (birth asphyxia) and delivery trauma. We retrospectively analysed case-histories of 479 infants with breech presentation in the Gynaecology and Obstetrician Clinic in Kragujevac in the period 2000-2005. The incidence of breech presentation delivery was 3.47% which was in accordance with the relevant reference books and studies. In the period 2000-2005, total infant morbidity was 64.30%. The most frequent causes of morbidity were prematurity 24.94% and perinatal asphyxia 20.54%. Caesarean section was done in 23.75% with significant amplitude of 17.39% to 40% depending on the age. This can be explained by subjective approach to a general attitude about indications for obstetrics intervention. Delivery trauma and birth asphyxia, as the most important factors in judging the delivery damage of neonates, were at the lowest level in the year with the highest percentage of Caesarean sections. Frequent infant morbidity is caused by high percentage of immaturity, delivery trauma and some other pathological conditions that do not depend on the type of delivery but entail treatment.
Key words: perinatal morbidity, breech presentation.

: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku
Note: full text in Serbian


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  Corresponding Address:
Olivera Laban,
Lepenički bulevar 1-1/8, 34000 Kragujevac
Tel 034 363266, mob 063626808
e-mail :

Paper received: 27.07.2006.
Paper accepted: 27.08.2006.
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