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UDK 616.314-002-02 ; 663.8 |
ISSN 035-2899, 38(2013) br.2 p.76-81 |
Original paper The influence of soft drinks on forming of caries (Uticaj bezalkoholnih pića na nastanak karijesa)
Bojana Chiritescu (1), Bratimirka Jelenković (2) |
Download in pdf format | Summary: Introduction: the presence of sugar in soft drinks allows plaque microorganisms to produce organic acids that cause demineralization of tooth surface and forms caries. Monitoring the relations between the consumption of sweetened beverages is an important activity in the assessment of the factors affecting oral health in order to improve it. Objective: to show the effects of daily, frequent consumption of soft, sugary drinks on dental health among young people born in 1995 and 1996. Methods: the data were obtained from questionnaires, medical records of ninety adolescents and on their regular dental checks in 2012 and 2013. We studied the incidence of caries in adolescents who drank sweetened beverages in comparison to those who did not. The quality of oral hygiene was determined for both groups. The total number of decayed teeth from a particular group was divided into the number of respondents of that group and thus the average number of cavities per respondent was obtained. We took into account the number of filled and extracted teeth, bearing in mind that the decay was caused by caries. Results and discussion: the study showed that the highest incidence of dental caries was in patients who consumed sugary drinks on a daily basis, frequently (1l on average), and where oral hygiene was not adequate; per respondent it was: 4 caries, 5 filled teeth and 2 teeth extracted. In this group there was the smallest number of healthy teeth – 17 per respondent. The incidence of dental caries was the smallest in the group of all respondents who did not consume soft drinks and had good oral hygiene, and per respondent it was: 2 cavities, 2 filling and 1 extracted tooth. In this group, there was the largest number of healthy teeth – 23 per respondent. Conclusion: the conducted research proved that daily continuous consumption of soft sweetened beverages led to a higher incidence of dental caries, particularly if accompanied with inadequate oral hygiene. Key words: caries, beverages, oral hygiene Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku Note: full text in Serbian |
Corresponding Address: Bojana Chiritescu, Stomatološka ordinacija srednjoškolskog centra, ZC Zaječar, Rasadnička bb, 19000 Zaječar; Srbija; E-mail: bchiritescu@gmail.com |
Paper received: 31. 3. 2013 Paper accepted: 21. 8. 2013 Paper Internet issues: 30. 10. 2013 |
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