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UDK 616-085:519.23(497.11) |
ISSN 035-2899, 38(2013) br.2 p.82-88 |
Original paper Self-medication of patients at the practitioners’ of the Health Care Centre, Doljevac (Samolečenje pacijenata u ordinaciji izabranog lekara Doma zdravlja Doljevac)
Bogoslović (1), Milena Potić-Floranović (2), Dragana Mitrović (3),
(1) Služba za zdravstvenu zaštitu odraslog stanovništva, Dom
zdravlja Doljevac, |
Download in pdf format | Summary: Introduction: self-medication is the use of drugs to treat the symptoms and/or diseases diagnosed by a patient himself or as a continuous or intermittent use of drugs for the treatment of chronic or recurrent ailments or symptoms. Aim: to demonstrate and examine the prevalence of self-medication, to determine the relation to age and sex of patients treated at the Health Care Centre Doljevac, infirmary Belotinac. Method: the survey was conducted on the patients aging over 18 who visited their physicians during January 2013. The data collected through specially designed questionnaires were analyzed. Results: of the total number of respondents (782) who saw their practitioners in January 2013 in this infirmary, 81.33% was at least once self-treated. Self-treated patients were statistically of dominant older age, and self-treatment was more often practiced by females (78.30%) as compared to males (21.70%). The largest percentage of respondents resorted to the use of pain medications (43.40%), then tranquilizers (33.02%), antibiotics (13.21%), herbal preparations (10.37%). The most frequently cited reason for self-treatment was the availability of drugs and medications without a prescription at pharmacies. Conclusion: the study of patients of the Health Care Centre Doljevac, infirmary Belotinac, showed that there was a large number of self-treated patients. What one should be worried about is the fact that more than half of the respondents used drugs as a form of self-treatment without medical supervision. The task of a chosen physician is not only the reduction of self-treatment in patients, but also raising the awareness of potential risks when taking medications on one’s own, instructing patients on self-treatment and complying with current recommendations. Key words: self-medication, drugs, use, prevalence Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku Note: full text in Serbian |
Corresponding Address: Miloš Bogoslović, Dom zdravlja Doljevac, Romanijska 15/31, 18000 Niš, Srbija; E-mail: milosbogoslovic@gmail.com |
Paper received: 31. 3. 2013 Paper accepted: 20. 8. 2013 Paper Internet issues: 30. 10. 2013 |
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