Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2015     Vol 40     No 2
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      UDK 611
COBISS.SR-ID 216882700

ISSN 0350-2899. - Vol. 40, No. 2 (2015), pp. 79-82.

Original paper

Michelangelo and Bartomeo Passarotti,
anatomy in the works of these great renaissance painters

Mikelanđelo i Bartolomeo Pasaroti, mesto anatomije u stvaralaštvu ovih velikana renesansnog slikarstva

Biljana Velić, Miloš Protić
Služba opšte medicine, Dom zdravlja, ZC Zaječar


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Extended summary: Introduction: The Renaissance appeared in Italy in the 14th century and has spread to the rest of Europe until the 16th century, during which there was a major turning point in painting, science, literature. There was a interest in antiques, and in the middle of it is the man, as opposed to scholastic science and the church. Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), one of genius of the Renaissance and Batrolomeo Passarotti (1529-1592), painter of the period of mannerism. Objective: To show the former teaching anatomy students painting. Method and material: Overview of the available literature on the Internet from medical databases and database of art history, such as PubMed and the Oxford index.Batrolomeo Pasaroti painted ‚‚The Anatomy for artists ''. It is oil on canvas that shows the time that anatomy is taught to students of painting and implemented by dissection of corpse.Discussion: It is believed that it is Michelangelo who gives lectures to his students,using dissecton corpse and shows the structure of the human body, proportions, mutual relations.It is also considered that is in front of him famous textbook anatomy of Andreas Vesalius, physician and anatomist, ,, De humani corporis fabrica '(or the structure of the human body in latin). These details lead to central figure of the Michelangelo as a teacher, where he shows to students details of corpse, this oil on canvas is historical evidence of Michelangelo well known for exceptional anatomical sketches and drawings. It iswell known ,, Study of the torso and legs ''. Otherwise these sketches of human anatomy had an impact on the subsequent evolution of anatomy, according to historians.Conclusion: It is noted that Michelangelo was a connoisseur of anatomy and his anatomical sketches and drawings tell us that. It is also illustrative knowledge of anatomy of Passarotti himself in his painting, pointed out that in painting the corpse. Attention of students is well presented. Vesalius' tutorial is per se evidence of a development of anatomy.
Keywords: Michelangelo, Passarotti, anatomy, lesson, renaissance

Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku
Note: full text in Serbian
      Corresponding Address:
Miloš Protić,
Svetozara Markovića 1, 19000 Zaječar, Srbija.
Paper received: 8.2.2015
Paper accepted: 31.5.2015
Paper Internet issues: 21.8.2015
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Timočki medicinski glasnik, Zdravstveni centar Zaječar
Journal of Regional section of Serbian medical association in Zajecar
Rasadnička bb, 19000 Zaječar, Srbija

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