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Work for practice Anamnesis - the skill and art of clinical medicine Zoran Joksimović, Dušan Bastać INTERNIST PRACTICE „DR. BASTAĆ” ZAJECAR |
Download in pdf format | Abstract: Anamnesis
(Greek: αναμνηση — memory) is a conversation with the patient in
order to gather all the information that is essential for
discovering the true nature of the disease and making an accurate
diagnosis. The oft-quoted saying “Listen to your patient; he will
tell you what his diagnosis is" shows the value of the anamnesis in
diagnosis. It is believed that the anamnesis has the greatest
importance in establishing the correct diagnosis. 50%-70% of the
diagnosis is made already on the basis of the anamnesis. Proper
history taking is a medical skill that requires from the examiner:
good knowledge, a lot of time and patience. In addition, cultural
behavior and certain personal qualities and skills of the doctor are
also important. But taking an anamnesis is not only a science, but
also a skill and an art, as it requires interpretation and
clarification of the conversation with the patient. A good clinical
assessment comes first, and it is reached after many years of
practice. Patients with the same diseases can express their symptoms
differently, so the main characteristic of medicine as an art is how
the doctor interprets different descriptions of the same phenomenon.
In the process of taking an anamnesis, doctors are detectives, and
the patient (and family or companions) are witnesses. If we ask the
right questions and make sure we really understand what the patient
has experienced, we are much more likely to arrive at an accurate
diagnosis quickly. The point of contact between art and science in
medicine is where the doctor feels the emotion that brought the
patient to the office. The doctor must not only listen to the words
the patient uses, but clarify their meaning. When he learns this, he
becomes an artist of the best kind. Key words: history, patient, doctor |
INTRODUCTIONWhen we talk to patients in our offices every day, one would say
that these conversations take place without any order and that they
are similar in their form to other conversations we have with
ordinary people, when we are in the position of the layman and when
we are not talking about the disease. Of course, this is not the
case when we have a patient in front of us for the first time.
Despite the extraordinary variety, this conversation has its
legality and some basic rules. Due to the wide range of health
problems, personality characteristics of patients and doctors, as
well as the circumstances in which we conduct this conversation,
this conversationactually representstaking an anamnesis and it is
crucial for the definition, prognosis and treatment of a health
problem. 1. LISTENING IS AT THE HEART OF GOOD ANAMNESISTAKINGA good anamnesis is one that reveals the patient's ideas,
concerns, and expectations, as well as any accompanying diagnoses.
The conversation in the doctor's office begins with the patient
stating the problem for which he came to the outpatient clinic.
Sometimes the reason for the visit is also a real problem that the
doctor should be dealing with (e.g. temperature or pain), but often
it is just a "wildcard" behind which other problems are hidden that
the patient does not think are appropriate to mention right away at
arrival. These include, for example, complaints due to family
disagreements or problems at work. The patient will not say that he
has a problem at work or that he had a fight with his wife, but that
he has a stomachache or a headache. One of the common mistakes of
the doctor is that he does not see or does not want to see beyond
the reason for the visit that the patient directly states. So it
often happens that we send patients for all possible expensive and
sometimes dangerous tests, without asking about the background of
the complaints. Often the real problems of the patient become
apparent only when the patient says at the end of the conversation:
"By the way, doctor..." 2. USE THE POWER OF TOUCHIntroduce yourself to the patient, smile and try to convey warmth and attention. Make sure the patient is comfortable. A warm handshake or pat on the shoulder can often calm a frightened patient, and the touch itself can sometimes have a healing effect. Of course, reactions to touch can be unpredictable, especially in patients who have been abused, who have suffered pain for a long time, in psychiatrically altered or sedated patients. The patient's pattern of cultural behavior should also be taken into account. If you notice that the patient is uncomfortable whentouched or considers it uncivilized and inappropriate, explain to him in detail that taking an anamnesis and physical examination means that they must be professionally observed and touched. Then be sure to ask for permission to continue with the anamnesis. If they insist, accept (or even suggest yourself) that someone close to the patient attends the examination. (7) 3. SMILEMedicine is a serious business, and doctors are serious and busy
people. But if you are too serious or too busy to incorporate humor
into your work, then you and your patients are missing out on
something very important. Humor can be helpful in establishing
rapport, relieving anxiety. It can be an outlet for anger,
resentment and frustration. Humor has beneficial physiological
effects, but, like any other tool, it should be used appropriately. 4. SHOW A LITTLE EMPATHY FOR THE PATIENT AND HIS DISEASEThe best way to connect with patients and get them to cooperate
with you is empathy. Empathy is the ability to emotionally
understand what another person is experiencing, that is, it implies
the ability to recognize and be moved by what the patient is going
through, even though you have not had such an experience yourself.
Basically, it is putting yourself in someone else's position and
experiencing someone else's feelings (7,8). 5. SHOW TOP PROFESSIONALISM IN YOUR WORKConfidentiality of doctor-patient data is a basic postulate of
medical ethics. Patients in your practice need to feel completely
safe and confident that whatever they say will not leave your
practice. CONCLUSIONMedicine is a science, the use of medicine in practice is a
skill, and adapting science and skill to the patient's wishes and
expectations is an art. Despite the huge achievements in medical
science, honest contact between the patient and the doctor is the
first condition for successful medical practice.A humane and
professional relationship between a doctor and a patient, the
application of the latest scientific knowledge and the correct
application of that knowledge in a concrete example, with a good
treatment outcome, is what we see as the "art" of medicine. LITERATURE:
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