Journal of Regional Section of Serbian Medical Association in Zajecar

Year 2005     Volumen 30     Number 3
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UDK: 618.146-006.6; 618.19-006.6-033.2 ISSN 0350-2899, 30(2005) 3 p. 132-135
Case report

The Existence of Metastasis of Cervical Cancer in Advanced Breast Cancer
- A Case Report

Dragan Perišić (1), Tomislav Pejović (1), Dragoslav Kalinović (2), Milica Čekerevac (1),
Biljana Vukašinović (1)

(1) Zdravstveni centar Gornji Milanovac, Ginekološko-akušerska služba
(2) Zdravstveni centar Zaječar, Ginekološko-akušerska služba



  Summary: Breast cancer is one of the most frequent tumours in females. In most women it is detected in early stages, but in some cases it is diagnosed in advanced stages with metastasis on untypical locations. The aim of our research was to describe a very rare case of a lobular breast cancer metastasis in cervix. So far only 26 cases of a breast cancer metastasis on cervix were presented. In this case, tumoral changes on cervix were practically asymptomatic with slightly elevated discharge of unpleasant odour. This was discovered while a patient was being prepared for a presentation at the Oncological Consilium because of the advanced breast cancer. After a pathohistological confirmation of both the initial tumour and the metastasis in cervix, the patient was prescribed a systematic chemotherapy treatment. However, because of a fast advancing malignancy in the lungs, the patient was treated symptomatically. Unfortunately, she passed away quite soon. By reporting on this case, we want to inform the experts that it is possible to discover the breast cancer metastasis in cervix and that it is not only a rare case that can be found only in specialised medical literature, but also in patients in this area.
Key words: breast cancer, metastasis, cervix.

Note: full text in Serbian
Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku

  Corresponding Address:
Dragan Perišić
Miloša Velikog br.33, 32300 Gornji Milanovac
Tel: 032/ 710- 338
  Paper received: 10.06.2005.
Paper accepted: 03.08.2005.
Published online: 16.12.2005.
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