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UDK 616.89-008.441.44(497.11) |
ISSN 0350-2899, 36(2011) br.3 p.157-61 |
Original paper Suicide attempts at the territory of the Zaječar Municipality (Pokušaji samoubistva na teritoriji opštine Zaječar) Borislav Miletić Zdravstveni centar Zaječar, Služba hitne medicinske pomoći |
Summary: INTRODUCTION: Suicide attempt is initiated, but incomplete suicide. What is listed as risk factors are different mental disorders, substance abuse, the use of certain drugs ... The ratio of attempted and completed suicides is expressed with the so-called hazard ratio. To detect persons with a suicidal intent, introduction of special psychological tests is proposed. METHOD: Retrospective analysis of the material of the Emergency Service in Zaječar within two years was done. The sample consisted of all the diagnosed suicide attempters. The sample was analyzed on the basis of gender, age and methods of suicide attempts. The obtained data were compared with completed suicides data. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: During 2009-2010 in Zaječar there were 56 suicide attempts, 35 women and 21 men, the average age being 43.89 ± 17.34, 41 suicide attempts occurred in the city, and 15 in the village. The most common way of suicide attempts was poisoning (76.79%) most commonly with sedatives (72.09% of all poisoning), while other types of attempts were rarely applied. In the same period in Zaječar there were 20 suicides, of which 50% were carried out by hanging. CONCLUSION: People who have attempted suicide were most often younger people who lived in the city more often women. The most common form of attempted suicide was sedative poisoning. People who committed suicide were significantly older than those who attempted it, in half of the cases suicides were carried out by hanging. The ratio of attempted and completed suicides was 2.8:1. The use of psychological questionnaires for the early detection of risk groups for suicide attempt, as well as stricter control and distribution of psychoactive drugs is proposed. Key words: suicide attempts, sedative poisoning Napomena:
kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku |
Corresponding Address: Borislav Miletić Pana Đukića 12/II-9, 19000 Zaječar Tel: 019/425-111 e-mail: dr_miletic@yahoo.com |
received: 06.04.2011 Paper accepted: 12.04.2011 Paper Internet issues: 17.12.2011 |
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