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UDK 616.98:579.852 |
ISSN 035-2899, 38(2013) br.1 p.50-60 |
Review article Clostridium difficile infection: overview of recent findings Clostridium difficile infekcija: prikaz novijih saznanja Zoran Joksimović (1), Dušan Bastać (2) (1) INTERNISTIČKA ORDINACIJA "JOKSIMOVIĆ" BOR, (2) INTERNISTIČKA ORDINACIJA „DR BASTAĆ” ZAJEČAR |
Summary: The review covers the epidemiology, traditional and emerging risk factors and modern advances in managing C. difficile infection. C. difficile is an anaerobic Gramm-positive sporogenic bacterium, which causes pathological conditions in the digestive tract by toxin secretion. In the past twenty years there has been an increase in the incidence, severity and recurrence of C. difficile infection. New hypervirulent strain of these bacteria has been discovered recently. Meanwhile several new risk factors have been proven and also new promising methods in the treatment of the infection have been developed. Key words: Clostridium difficile, infection: epidemiology, risk factors, treatment Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku Note: full text in Serbian |
Corresponding Address: Zoran Joksimović, Internistička ordinacija „Joksimović“ Bor, Ul. Cara Lazara 12, 19210 Bor, Srbija; E-mail: joksaz@ptt.rs |
Paper received: 29. 1. 2013 Paper accepted: 17. 5. 2013 Paper Internet issues: 15. 7. 2013
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