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UDK 378.342:61-051(497.11)"1915/1918" 355.415.6(497.11)(495)"1915/1918" |
ISSN 0350-2899, 34(2009) Br.3-4 p.189-196 |
History of medicine and health culture Activities of the Serbian government in the periods 1915 to 1918 regarding education for the needs of military and civil medical service (Aktivnosti Srpske vlade na Krfu u periodu od 1915. do 1918. godine na školovanju kadra za potrebe vojnog i civilnog saniteta) Petar Paunović Rajac |
Summary: On Corfu during 1915 to 1918, the Serbian government was seriously working on the organisation of the military medical service and took care of the general health on the whole territory after the liberation of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. The biggest problem was an insufficient number of doctors and other related professions. On their way through Albania and Montenegro, withdrawing in dead cold winter, with no food and warm clothes, the Serbian armed forces lost not only many soldiers, but also a lot of educated people, among which there were many doctors. 147 doctors died from diseases and exhaustion. For this reason, the Serbian Government on Corfu during I World War made huge efforts and provided large amounts of funds for the education of doctors. What is described in this study is activities on the education of a vet, dr Berislava Borčič for the needs of the organisation and operation of bacterial and serum laboratory and dr Vladimir Bruneti, a chemist, for the national laboratory. These experts contributed greatly to the development of lab-diagnostics, both on the Thessaloniki front and after the liberation. The study was made according to the documents from the Serbian Historical Archives in Belgrade and represents a contribution to the knowledge of the history of Serbian medicine. Key words: Corfu island, lab diagnostics, staff education, dr Berislav Boričić, dr Vladimir Bruneti Napomena:
kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku |
Corresponding Address: Petar Paunović Rajac rajacki@ptt.rs |
Paper received: 03. 08. 2009 Paper accepted: 03. 09. 2009 Published online: 15. 01. 2010. |
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