] [ Index ]
UDK 616.13-007.64089 |
ISSN 0350-2899, 34(2009) 1 pp.26-33 |
Review Aneurysmatic Disease Clinic Quality and Treatment (Aneurizmatska bolest klinika i lečenje) Lazar Davidović, Marko Dragaš, Živan Maksimović, Igor Končar, Nikola Ilić KLINIKA ZA VASKULARNU HIRURGIJU, INSTITUT ZA KARDIOVASKULARNE BOLESTI, KLINIČKI CENTAR SRBIJE, BEOGRAD |
Summary: Arterial
aneurysm is defined as localized, permanent arterial dilatation for
at least 50% of the normal arterial diameter for the given
localization. It can involve on any blood vessel in the human body,
but it is most frequently localized in the infrarenal aorta.
Aneurysms are classified according to their morphology, pathology
and etiology. In terms of morphology there are fusiform and saccular
aneurysms, while in terms of pathology there are true and fake
aneurysms. Ethiological real aneurysms can be: congenital, aneurysms
caused by disorders of connective tissue, degenerative, infectious
and poststenotic. Aneurysmal disease can complicate with
compression, thrombosis, distal embolization and rupture. The most
fatal aneurismal complication is rupture. As a rule, it causes
haemorrhage trauma with fatal threat. Diagnostic procedures of
aneurysmal diseases include: physical examination, Xraying,
ultrasonography, angiography, computerized tomography, magnetic
resonance angiography and MSCT. Aneurysms can be surgically treated
with aneurysmal exclusion and bypass procedure, resection and graft
reconstruction or endovascular treatment (Endovascular Aortic Repair
– EVAR). In addition to all symptomatic, elective surgery in
inducted in asymptomatic AAA that are larger than 4.5 cm in
diameter, cause palpating stomach sensitivity, swelling, weight
loss, increasing for more than 0.6 cm (measured ultrasonographically)
in the period of 6 months. Key words: aneurysmal disease, aneurysm, surgical treatment.
Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom
jeziku |
Contact address: Živan Maksimović Ul. Koste Todorovića 8, 11000 Beograd email: zivanmax@sbb.rs |
Paper received: 31.03.2009. Paper accepted: 08.04.2009. Published online: 21.05.2009. |
] [ Index ]