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UDK 618:929 Соран Ефески 618.2(091) COBISS.SR-ID 230079500 |
ISSN 0350-2899. - Год. 41, бр. 4 (2016), стр. 332-336. |
Istorija medicina / History of medicine Живот и дело Сорана
Ефеског, „Оца гинекологије”
Стефанос Асимопулос (1), Панајотис Асимопулос (2) |
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Маргинализовање женског пола, које је нераздвојиво повезано са
анахронистичким предрасудама према општеприхваћеним тврдњама,
појављује се као доминантна компонента грчко-римског друштвеног
мозаика. Заиста, упркос дивергентним случајевима значајне
манифестације дате патогенезе налазе се у разноврсним делатностима
(кородирани међуљудски односи, пасивно учешће у политичком животу,
духовно назадњаштво). Међутим, револуционарне личности, инспирисане
аутентичним хуманистичким идеалима, реаговале су динамично. Уз
непретенциозно разумевање, дубоки мислиоци, носиоци грчког
образовања, супротставили су се жестоком искорењењу таквих
провокативних полних дискриминација. Са рационалним закључцима
деградирали су постојеће погрешне приступе; мултидимензионално
постарали су се о суштинској недемонизацији и о пожељном искупљењу
жена. Соран Ефески, примерном научности и истинском пожртвованошћу,
обистинио је дијахронично мишљење да се малоазијска земља неоспорно
сматра благословеним родним местом обдарених физиономија. Одличан
познавалац људске анатомије, најзначајнији представник периода пре
Галена, истакао је вредност опширног посматрања у вези са
еволуцијским током, не само гинеколошких, већ и педијатријских,
психијатријских и ортопедских обољења. Колико на теоретском нивоу
толико и преко својих надахнутих списа уз јединствену методичност
Соран се осврнуо на универзално обавештење о специфичним
осетљивостима женског организма. Истовремено је истражио сваку фазу
нормалног порођаја: каталитички процес зачећа и кључне
контрацептивне праксе; горући проблем плодности; обезбеђивање
неометане трудноће; неупоредив значај дојења. Захваљујући разноликом
доприносу и темељним услугама добио је почасни надимак „отац
гинекологије”. Кључне речи: Соран, гинекологија, ортопедија, педијатрија, психијатрија. Summary: The marginalisation of the female sex that is
indissolubly connected with anachronistic prejudices against
generally accepted claims appears as the dominant component of the
Greco-Roman social mosaic. Indeed, despite that, divergent cases of
significant manifestations of the mentioned pathogenesis can be
found in a variety of activities (corroded interpersonal
relationships, passive participation in political life, spiritual
obscurantism). However, revolutionary personalities, inspired by
authentic humanistic ideals reacted dynamically. With unpretentious
understanding, profound thinkers, recipients of Greek education,
were opposed to the fierce eradication of such provocative sexual
discriminations. With their rational conclusions they degraded the
existing wrong approaches; multidimensionally they have taken care
of the essential undemonisation and the desirable redemption of
women. Soranus of Ephesus, with exemplary knowledge and true
devotion, verified the diachronic view that the land of Asia Minor
is indisputably considered a blessed birthplace of endowed
physiognomies. As a great connoisseur of the human anatomy, the most
important representative of the pre- Galenic period, he underlined
the value of extensive observations related to the evolution course,
not only of gynaecological, but also of paediatric, psychiatric and
orthopaedic diseases. At the theoretical level as well as through
his inspired writings accompanied with unique methodology, Soranus
paid attention to the universal information about the specific
sensitivities of the female body. At the same time he researched
every phase of normal birth: the catalytic process of conception and
the key contraceptive practices; the burning issue of fertility; the
ensuring of smooth pregnancy; the unparalleled importance of
breastfeeding. Thanks to his diverse contribution and fundamental
services, Soranus has reasonably received the honorary nickname
"father of gynaecology". |
LIFESoranus was born in the late 1st century AD (probably in 98 AD)
in Ephesus, a city with a long tradition in medicine, but also a
strong interest in scientific developments. His parents were called
Menander and Phoebe [1]. SORANUS’ MEDICAL ASPECTSAlready in antiquity Soranus was considered the most important
representative of the School of the Methodicians which first
appeared in the mid-1st century BC. It became the most important
School during the years of great prosperity of the Roman Empire. BREASTFEEDINGSoranus was a strong supporter of breastfeeding. He recommended
that breastfeeding might not start before the third week after
birth, so the mother can have enough time to get rest after the
laborious childbirth. Only then the new mother can produce whole
milk. During this transitional period an experienced nurturer should
be hired. Unquestionably, breast milk seems to be irreplaceable. But
in case that the mother is unable to breastfeed and to use
substitutes like honey with water or goat’s milk, it is advisable to
have a nurse. GYNAECOLOGY – OBSTETRICSAs an authentic follower of the School of Methodicians he
observed the evolutionary stages of normal or difficult pregnancy,
but also the different positions of the foetus during pregnancy.
With admirable patience he considered all parameters relating to the
female anatomy [3]. During the gynaecological examination he applies
the palpation, the percussion [3] and the digital rectal exam in
inflammation of the uterus or the vagina [3]. Finally he manifested
particular interest in the substantive treatment of new mothers and
in thorough care of newborns during the first moments of their
birth. PHARMACOLOGYHe was extensively involved in Pharmacology: he preferred simply and easily prepared drugs that respected the patient and his condition. For Soranus, an effective cure should include the cyclical treatment of chronic diseases, even the passive gymnastics. PSYCHIATRYSoranus was among the first doctors who conducted systematic classification of schizophrenia and recommended psychological treatments. In particular he suggested the effective approach to the psychological issues with mental training methods, such as the motivation for participation in philosophical discussions aiming at the "exorcism" of sadness and phobias. He had noticed the coexistence of manic and melancholic characteristics during the same incident (continuous wakefulness and insomnia with varying intensity of mood, anger, sometimes sadness or sense of futility). He also renounced the widespread use of practices dominated at those times, such as the keeping of enchained patients in the dark, bleeding and fasting. On the contrary, recognizing the crucial contribution of individual faith, he let his patients wear amulets. WORKSErudite Soranus bequeathed us a rich literary work that has
survived mainly in Latin translations or subsequent writings (we
have minimum of it in the original Greek text) and is related not
only to purely medical issues, but also to current philosophical
issues. Indeed his contribution to the history of medicine and
etymological access to medical terms was remarkable. SORANUS’ “GYNAECOLOGY”Soranus of Ephesus became prominent in gynaecology, so he
inspired the “Gynaecology” («Περί γυναικείων παθῶν»), the largest
and the most comprehensive medical textbook of antiquity. In the
voluminous and extremely intelligible treatise that is saved in the
ancient Greek language Soranus’ authority is revealed. It consists
of four illustrated books: OTHER WORKSIn his notable works the scholars include the following ones: CONCLUDING REMARKSUndoubtedly Soranus of Ephesus was a leading gynaecologist of
antiquity, as is evidenced by the universally acknowledged
recognition of his value by great intellectual personalities and by
the most flattering characterisation as «medicinae auctor
nobilissimus» (“the noblest author of medicine”): LITERATURE
Adresa autora / Corresponding
address: Panajotis Asimopulos, Vojna Akademija Grčke, Bulevar Varis – Koropiu, 16 673 Atina, Grčka E-mail: asimopoulosp@yahoo.gr, asimopouloss@yahoo.gr |
Rad primljen: 23.8.2016. Rad prihvaćen: 27.9.2016. Elektronska verzija objavljena: 16.3.2017. |
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